Back at the beginning of 2017 one of our current clients, The Ward Law Firm came to us with an idea to expand his growing estate and Medicaid law practice by merging firms with an attorney that was focusing on real estate and corporate law. In order to do this, they needed to create a new brand… that’s when the Ward Arcuri Law Firm was born. The goal was to be able to create this new brand without damaging the momentum that the existing Ward Law FIrm brand was gaining in the Utica market.
Tactics We Used To Help Them
We pitched the idea to develop a modern, sleek looking brand with a tagline that would tell consumers exactly what types of law they practiced. The new tagline was “For Your Family, Home & Business.” We developed a new website and launched the new brand in 1st Quarter. The strategy we put in place for them was what we call branding with call-to-action. This allowed them to build brand awareness and gain business at the same time. The call-to-action portion of the campaign centered around holding free seminars to educate the community on the aspects of law they were focusing on. We put together an advertising strategy using traditional advertising to get this new message out to the Utica market using the power and emotional ability of television advertising to create a friendship-like bond with their target consumer.
The Result…
In 2017 the Ward Arcuri Law Firm saw the new brand flourish in the Utica market. Every estate and Medicaid seminar that they held each month was filled beyond capacity. This was consistency month-in and month-out that the law firm had not seen before. Momentum was gained each month for the real estate and corporate law sides of the business. They were effectively able to increase revenue (and still are to this day) by cross-promoting each aspect of the business.
– Interested In Seeing Results Like These –

Utica Office
502 Court Street, Suite 406
Utica, NY 13502
315-733-FIRM (3476)